
Average score 1126 Reviews
Mélina Humbert noted on Google

1 month ago
Christelle Vinet noted on Google

1 month ago
Amandine Leroux noted on Google

Les plats sont très bons. Le prix est raisonnable. Et le personnel est très accueillant et sympathique. On n'a jamais été dessus. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) The dishes are very good. The price is reasonable. And the staff are very welcoming and friendly. We were never on it. I recommend.

1 month ago
AngeĐechus AsD noted on Google

Je suis retournée 5 ans après toujours aussi savoureux les plats accompagné d'un service professionnel sourient et bonne accueil, je recommande (Translated by Google) I returned 5 years later, the dishes were still as tasty, accompanied by a professional service with a smile and a warm welcome, I recommend

1 month ago
Lorinda Lamarque noted on Google

1 month ago
FABIEN YOU noted on Google

1 month ago
Karine Hermand noted on Google

Excellent, beaucoup de choix dommage il n y avait pas de brochette fromage bacon, ni de macarons en dessert sinon sa va (Translated by Google) Excellent, lots of choice, too bad there was no bacon cheese skewer, nor macaroons for dessert otherwise it's fine

2 months ago
Jean-yves Rouchier noted on Google

2 months ago
Justine Mançon noted on Google

Il y avait des cuisses de grenouille et j'adoooore ça ! (Translated by Google) There were frog legs and I looooove them!

2 months ago
Léa Louis noted on Google

Bon buffet avec du choix, je m'attendant à plus de choix cependant en termes de sushis/makis mais c'était très bon ! (Translated by Google) Good buffet with choice, I expected more choice however in terms of sushi/makis but it was very good!

2 months ago

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85000 La Roche-sur-Yon, France

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